Kijuan Smith

I have always been as some would say “undersized”, but I never let that effect the effort and the work I put into the sports that love. I played 2 years of Varisty football in my High school’s first 2 years of being open. In my Junior year after football season I had planned on doing nothing in the off-season until my offensive cordinator came to me and told me I did not have a choice and I was going to wrestle for him and the school. I was in the starting line-up for our Varsity wrestling team, and was also named a captain due to my leadership skills and love for the team. That wrestling season I went on to win 1st place regionals, and placed number 8 in the state of South Carolina in the year 2013. In the Spring I ran track to help increase my speed and endurance for the upcoming football season. In my senior year of Varsity football, our team had went on to advance to the 2nd round of the state playoffs losing by only a field goal. The spring of my senior year i played right defensive back on the varsity soccer team.

After High school I enlisted into the Army. I went to IT training in Ft. Gordon, Ga for 22 weeks. After I left Georgia, I arrived in Texas. I am Married to my Beautiful wife Ciara and we have a son together.