Andrew Boulware

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  • Andrew Boulware

My football career began at Chester County High School in Chester, South Carolina. I played as a defensive tackle. I enjoyed watching our team and program grow over the years. We went to the State Championship twice. My senior year, we finished the season with a 10-2 record, the best the school had earned in a long time. Throughout my high school career, I focused on gaining strength in the gym, technique as a lineman, and building our team’s leadership. On the field I was known for my size and ability to break up a play, tackle for losses, and forcing the quarterback out of the pocket. I received multiple offers to play at the collegiate level, but my GPA wasn’t up to the level it needed to be in order to commit. After I graduated high school, I attended two technical schools in order to raise my GPA with the intent to transfer to a 4-year university. Unfortunately my financial situation did not allow me to continue onto a university. After some research and some soul searching, I decided to enlist in the US Navy April 2013. I attended A-school in Great Lakes, Illinois. I was selected to be a Hull Maintenance Technician- the Navy term for a welder. After completing A-school, I was stationed on the USS Wasp based out of Norfolk, Va where I have resided for the past 4 years. Over the past 4 years, my Naval career has provided me a sense of purpose and direction. I was pushed out of my comfort zone and given the confidence to reach for dreams I once had written off as impossible. Recently, my crew and I got a 25 year old ship through a yard period and through countless inspections and certifications in order to deploy. In December 2016, I completed one 6 month deployment to the Mediterranean and the Red Sea where we were a part of the Odyssey Lightening mission. During the mission we dropped 260 bombs on the ISIS terrorist group. It was a great sense of accomplishment to see what our hard work prior to deployment lead to. With my career in the military coming to an end, it is time for me to begin a new chapter and complete my goal of playing football at a collegiate level. The Navy has prepared me to be the best possible player and student I can be. The focus and determination the military has instilled in me will be a great asset as I push forward with the next phase of my life. I look forward to bringing a strong work ethic, commitment, and impactful leadership skills to the team.